Friday, August 17, 2012

DIY: Locker Pocket

These cute jean pockets are perfect for storing your pens and pencils on the door of any locker. Instead of those big tin containers that don't always allow you to shut your locker correctly, these lil' pockets are thin enough to not stop your locker from shutting-even with pencils in them :)

You can make these yourself in just a few steps; here's what you need:

~Pair of old jeans
~Hot glue/double sided tape (or just anything sticky)

Once you have everything the rest is really simple:

Step 1:

Take your pair of jeans and cut around the pocket; make sure you are getting both the pocket and the fabric behind the pocket. Don't just cut off the front or all your stuff will fall out the bottom.

Step 2:

Take two magnets and glue/stick them on each side of your pocket like so
Step 3:

Test them out on your locker and make sure they don't fall when you try to put stuff in them. If they sag or don't stay up try using stronger magnets or just add more to the back and bottom of the pockets. 

This was a little bit self explanatory but that's what makes it easy. I hope you like the new idea, let me know what you think. :)

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